
Recreation Site Monitoring

The Recreation Site Monitoring toolbox includes examples of monitoring programs, protocols, and references for all agencies. Contact us to suggest new materials for inclusion.


Recreation site monitoring and the necessary management of recreation sites help ensure that opportunities for wilderness experiences are preserved while adverse impacts to the biophysical components of the wilderness resource as well as wilderness experiences themselves are minimized. Additional and supplemental information can be found in the Visitor Use Management Toolbox.

Recreation site monitoring, most often applied to campsites, is the systematic collection and evaluation of site inventory and condition data to establish a baseline and/or identify changes and trends over time. This information is used for visitor use management and resource protection and help managers prioritize wilderness ranger assignments and project work. The primary purpose of recreation site monitoring in wilderness is to provide essential information for identifying and minimizing the biophysical and social impacts of these sites.

Agency Policy

  • The NPS has no specific policy with regards to recreation site monitoring. However, it will be contained in a park specific Wilderness Stewardship Plan.
  • NPS Management Policies that apply to recreation are in Chapters 6 and 8. Specifically:
    • Trails
    • Shelters and Campsites
    • 6.4.3/ Recreational Use Management
    • 8.2.2 Recreational Activities

  • The NPS has no specific policy with regards to recreation site monitoring. However, it will be contained in a park specific Wilderness Stewardship Plan.
  • NPS Management Policies that apply to recreation are in Chapters 6 and 8. Specifically:
    • Trails
    • Shelters and Campsites
    • 6.4.3/ Recreational Use Management
    • 8.2.2 Recreational Activities

Training Resources

Examples of Recreation Site Monitoring Programs
