
Wilderness Field Skills

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of wilderness search and rescue procedures
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of law enforcement techniques if appropriate to agency
Ability to act decisively and calmly under conditions of emotional and physical duress
Ability to collect evidence and prepare case reports on violations if appropriate to agency
Ability to implement law enforcement procedures depending on agency guidelines
Skilled in wilderness information and education techniques


Training Opportunities

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the wilderness resource

Training Opportunities

  • Classroom

    • Contact your state and regional wilderness coordinator for Unit Wilderness Workshop course
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of wilderness search and rescue procedures
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of law enforcement techniques if appropriate to agency
Ability to act decisively and calmly under conditions of emotional and physical duress
Ability to collect evidence and prepare case reports on violations if appropriate to agency
Ability to implement law enforcement procedures depending on agency guidelines
Ability to ensure staff safety and competency in wilderness settings
Ability to incorporate wilderness law, regulation, and policy, and principles in the management of fires, search and rescue, or other emergencies
Ability to resolve user conflicts
Skilled in wilderness information and education techniques


Training Opportunities

Skilled in training and supervision of field skills
Skilled in identifying opportunities and developing volunteer programs and partnerships
Skilled in providing support for developing and administering contracts and agreements
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of “Leave No Trace” principles and ethics
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of wilderness emergency procedures, including agency fire management policy and its implementation, minimum impact strategies and tactics (MIST)
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the minimum requirement principle and authority for approving prohibited uses

Training Opportunities

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of skills necessary to ensure staff safety and competency in wilderness settings
Ability to work within fire program organizations to facilitate appropriate agency response to fire in wilderness, to obtain necessary skills and resources, and to participate in oversight of fire management operations in wilderness
Ability to advise agency administrators regarding emergency operations in wilderness and to participate in oversight of such operations