
Expert Level

Managing Special Provisions

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of management practices, general technical considerations, law, regulation, and policy, associated with special provisions

Training Opportunities

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of programs and issues to recognize potential precedent-setting situations
Ability to identify and report violation of approved uses (agency specific)
Ability to respond to incursions, assess reports of non-compliance and other law enforcement cases of special provision uses

Wilderness History, Law, Regulation, and Policy

Wilderness Planning

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of NEPA requirements
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the wilderness resource and principles of management sufficient for representing it in interdisciplinary situations with other resource specialists
Ability to provide technical assistance for National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and other resource management planning activities
Ability to accomplish collaborative planning at the program level and identify and develop regional planning strategies and initiatives
Ability to transfer knowledge from research results
Skilled in wilderness information, education, and interpretation planning and implementation


Training Opportunities

Wilderness Field Skills

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of “Leave No Trace” principles and ethics
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of wilderness emergency procedures, including agency fire management policy and its implementation, minimum impact strategies and tactics (MIST)
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the minimum requirement principle and authority for approving prohibited uses

Training Opportunities

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of skills necessary to ensure staff safety and competency in wilderness settings
Ability to work within fire program organizations to facilitate appropriate agency response to fire in wilderness, to obtain necessary skills and resources, and to participate in oversight of fire management operations in wilderness
Ability to advise agency administrators regarding emergency operations in wilderness and to participate in oversight of such operations

Visitor Use Management and Monitoring

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of outdoor recreation management principles
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of relevant research literature
Ability to apply understanding of law, regulation, and policy to recommend or make decisions related to visitor use management

Training Opportunities

Ability to work with NGOs and address political issues regionally and nationally

Training Opportunities

Ability to complete analysis, devise new procedures, and provide advice on complex problems using technical information or resource data that is often inconclusive or unclear
Skilled in developing understanding and support for agency objectives and actions
Skilled in responding to complaints or protests
Skilled in exchanging information on current technical developments
Skilled in maintaining relationship with special interest groups or organizations
Skilled in building consensus through compromise or by development of suitable alternatives

Natural & Cultural Resources Management and Monitoring

Ability to maintain database records